Wish me luck
拉提诺帮派(Forum Drive's Latino Gangsters)
版主: 官方人员
Don't use that ******* or ********* because that stuff is highly addictive.When people become ****-heads they become sluggish, lazy, stupid and unconcerned.Many college students have gone to college and gotten hooked on drugs, *********, and alcohol.Don't try to be like someone else, don't try to act like someone else, be yourself.
这是基于,目前服务器动作系统只能做出这个手势的情况.所以暂时取消该手势,OOC Rules是字体网站上的,个体用户可无偿使用,关于MS13,MS13确实是一个供我们参考的"扮演对象",基于实际,我是无法凭空捏造一个大背景来凭空设定这个组织的,所以参考了LA,80~90年代,MS13.
Don't use that ******* or ********* because that stuff is highly addictive.When people become ****-heads they become sluggish, lazy, stupid and unconcerned.Many college students have gone to college and gotten hooked on drugs, *********, and alcohol.Don't try to be like someone else, don't try to act like someone else, be yourself.
Don't use that ******* or ********* because that stuff is highly addictive.When people become ****-heads they become sluggish, lazy, stupid and unconcerned.Many college students have gone to college and gotten hooked on drugs, *********, and alcohol.Don't try to be like someone else, don't try to act like someone else, be yourself.